
Kermeta action language is a DSL that allows to manipulate models. However it isn't a general purpose language and thus doesn't directly offer all the libraries to build an application for example with a sophisticated GUI.

This serie of tutorials is about integrating Kermeta 2 code with its environment


Preconditions so that the tutorials could run correctly

  • Use an Eclipse Modeling Tools based on a Juno version

  • On Eclipse IDE should be installed Kermeta language plug-in based upon a Release version

  • On Eclipse IDE should be installed Maven plug-in

  • Eclipse must be started using a JDK (not a JRE). This must be specified in the eclipse.ini file using the -vm option.

Alternatively to the first 3 points, you can use the predefined eclipse package with all kermeta tools preinstalled.


This tutorial serie explain various procedure to acheive some goal, however, the attentive reader must know that even if the presented procedure work, you may acheive similar results using alternative or slightly modifying the proposed procedure because you ma decide to use another tool or use it differently. Roughly, all this tutorial serie is actually about :

  • Java compilation, and the support of java compatible language like Scala and groovy. (special care to the compilation classpath)

  • OSGI/Eclipse packaging and deployment, which requires to take care to the jar content and to the runtime classpath (which can be different from the compilation classpath !)

In all cases, there are various ways to compile, package and deploy, either using Eclipse builders or using maven.

This tutorial will try to give suggestions and explain the underlying process but explaining maven, Eclipse, java, OSGI isn't in the scope of this document. The user must be ready to find and read the appropriate documentations.