Chapter 2. Presentation of the Ecore Metamodel

This chapter presents the Metamodel and some considerations about how to use it.

2.1. Global view

Ecore metamodel main class diagram.

Figure 2.1. Ecore metamodel main class diagram.


Ecore metamodel use a lot of calculated properties. (In red in our figures) If you need to use them, make sure to require their kermeta implementation (require "platform:/plugin/fr.irisa.triskell.kermeta.ecore/src/kermeta/ecore_behavior.kmt"

2.2. Generics

Since EMF 2.4, Eclipse has introduced a support for generics. Here is a quick overview of the introduces elements.

Representation of Generics in the Ecore metamodel.

Figure 2.2. Representation of Generics in the Ecore metamodel.