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Compilation failed on a scala compilation error

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Kermeta compilation process was fine up to the following message :

Displayed in the kermeta builder console "Error detected during bytecode generation. Compilation not complete for this project."

Lookup in the kermeta default console for more details of your error, and example is as follows:

/home/suresh/workspace/kermeta/alf/0.3/kv2-alf1/org.kermeta.alf.alf2km/target/scala/my/group/org/kermeta/alf/alf2km/org3/kermeta/alf/AndExpressionAspect.scala:10: error: type mismatch;
 found   : java.util.List[org3.kermeta.alf.EqualityExpression]
 required: java.util.Collection[_ <: ?0(in method Scalaexp_=)] where type ?0(in method Scalaexp_=)

THe solution for such an error can be related to the bytecode which is provided by the KP, which would have been generated by the user. This generally implies that there could be a conflict between what has been generated and what is expected by the kermeta compiler. One common mistake could be that the genmodel was generated by using a version with "Compliance Level" lower than 1.5